4-Part Virtual DOT Substance Abuse Professional Course for Qualification Training & Requalification
Our 14-hour Virtual DOT SAP Qualification/Requalification training provides in depth instruction on the following required subjects:
(i) Background, rationale, and coverage of the Department's drug and alcohol testing program;
(ii) 49 CFR Part 40 and DOT agency drug and alcohol testing rules;
(iii) Key DOT drug testing requirements, including collections, laboratory testing, MRO review, and problems in drug testing;
(iv) Key DOT alcohol testing requirements, including the testing process, the role of BATs and STTs, and problems in alcohol tests;
(v) SAP qualifications and prohibitions;
(vi) The role of the SAP in the return-to-duty process, including the initial employee evaluation, referrals for education and/or treatment, the follow-up evaluation, continuing treatment recommendations, and the follow-up testing plan;
(vii) SAP consultation and communication with employers, MROs, and treatment providers;
(viii) Reporting and recordkeeping requirements;
(ix) Issues that SAPs confront in carrying out their duties under the program.
Held in 4 sessions for 2 weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
All courses start at NOON Eastern
Virtual DOT SAP Course Agendas and Training Dates
2025 DATES
March 11 & 13, 18 & 20 - CLOSED
June 17 & 19, 24 & 26
September 16 & 18, 23 & 25
November 11 & 13, 18 & 20
Materials Provided:
Training materials include 3 information packets - #1 Rules and Regulations, #2 Slides and Forms, and #3 Articles of Interest
Course Outline
Session 1:
Regulatory framework of 49CFR Part 40, SAP qualifications, Role of designated employer representatives, Challenges in communication, Types of testing – Gatekeeper Tests, Preventative Tests, and Responsive Tests, Regulatory framework of FMCSA Part 382.
Session 2:
Drug test collection, Testing technology, Testing panel, Laboratory analysis of samples, Role of the Medical Review Officer. Alcohol test collection, Testing technology.
Session 3:
SAP Initial Assessment, FMCSA Clearinghouse, Intake content, Assessment tools, Limits of confidentiality, Determining level of care, Referrals to treatment, Referrals to education, Testing in treatment, SAP Reports.
Session 4:
SAP Follow Up Assessment, Monitoring participation, Responses to treatment issues, Consultation with treatment providers, Communication challenges, Role of DOT Qualified Medical Examiners, Assessing compliance, Assessment tools, Continuing care recommendations, Follow up testing plan, SAP reports.
SAP Exam:
If you are just starting out as a DOT Substance Abuse Professional this courses helps you prepare for the required SAP exam. You must satisfactorily complete a SAP examination. This examination must be given by a nationally recognized professional or training organization, and must comprehensively cover all the elements required for the qualification training. Please be aware that DOT requires these training or professional organizations to have their SAP examination validated by a test evaluation organization.

Where can you find a SAP exam?
Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA)
EAPA offers an on-line examination at $175 for EAPA members and $225 for non-members. www.eapassn.org.
Institute for the Advancement of Human Behavior and Buckley Productions, Inc. (IAHB)
IAHB offers a home study course and examination. The approximate cost is $289. Web Site: www.iahb.org
International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium (ICRC)
IC&RC offers an examination that is administered by IC&RC Member Boards on a state to state basis. Web Site: http://www.internationalcredentialing.org/sap
Substance Abuse Program Administrators Association (SAPAA)
Exam approximate cost $125. Web Site: www.sapaa.com